Novaetus Technologies operates as a subsidiary under the umbrella of Kwesigabo Group. The term Novaetus derives from the fusion of novus and aetus, effectively giving the notion of embracing the modern era. This nomenclature serves to show the company's commitment to catalysing a technological revolution through pioneering innovations.

Established and formally incorporated in June 2022, we are engaged in provision of blockchain-as-a-service solutions. Our purpose centres on fostering a universally accessible platform that transcends social and economic strata, enabling diverse segments of society to partake in the several advantages that technology has to offer.


Our company was founded on these core values which we built our entire strategy and business model around:

We create simplicity and convenience for our users’ in their daily lives.

We focus all our resources towards developing and creating high value products and services for our users at affordable prices

We endeavour that we are always transparent and trustworthy. We strive to deliver on our promises and meet our goals.

We adopted a green policy to find and create new ways for which technological advancement can coexist if not even to facilitate the conservation of the environment and fights against climate change.

We avail the benefits of technological innovation to everyone in Uganda and Africa regardless of their class and backgrounds.

Mission Statement

At Novaetus Technologies, our core mission is to inspire and fuel curiosity and creativity through groundbreaking innovative solutions, contributing to the betterment of society.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to be the leading company in innovations that will inspire future creators to use our technology to bring about the betterment and advancement of our society.